Sales training is important even when you’re selling a lot of cars .

Thanks for stopping by to see what I have to say about sales training and god willin’, it will be something of substance you can use to sell more cars.

I am going to tell you this. HAVE FAITH! Yes, it is as simple as that. I read yesterday that some politician thinks that if the auto business goes belly up it wouldn’t have a very big impact like housing or health care would. BALDERDASH I say!

USA Today Newspapers stated that if the auto parts industries went down it could cost 2 million jobs. I would say that’s a pretty big deal.

Now here is where my advice comes in. I said have faith. The government simply cannot afford to have 2 million people lose their jobs all at once or at all really! 2-million!!!

We know that 1 in 10 people work because of our industry. Factor in road construction, street lights, signs and dozens of other allied industries and that number moves to 1 in 6.

So here we are in 2018 and 2017 was nearly a record year. Over 17 million new units delivered.  So when I told everyone that this business is cyclical and not to worry and to have faith and stick it out, I meant it.

Now look, business is good and the future looks bright.

And onto the advice portion of my blog. KEEP LEARNING!!! Keep reading, studying, and doing everything you can to stay on top. When business is good we have a tendency to get lazy or cut corners. Don’t do that because it will cost you customers and money down the road.

Good luck and great selling. Come back often and we’ll dissect the sale process bit by bit to give you the best tools we can to help you sell more cars…. And trucks.

Until next time, remember to Email me your thoughts.  I may be editing them for space or clarity but if you’ve got good views, ideas or tips on how to sell more cars, and I know you do, let’s hear ’em!

So, read and learn about the whole Sales Training Process, Auto Careers and even Sales Training Development!

Questions and Comments E-mail: Jack Bennett

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Jack Bennett has been in the industry since 1974. Beginning as a painter, then a mechanic. He ran his own repair business. Jack moved up to Manager for a Chevrolet dealership by the mid 1980’s. Jack sold Cadillac’s and ran a Used Car Dealership. He got back into sales and was the top salesperson. Jack took over the Used Car Operations for a Toyota store where he penned his Sales Training Book, “You Can and Should Sell Cars.” It has sold 5000 copies since 1990 and is now in its fifth printing. In 1990 he was became the Education Director for ADAMM. For 15 years Jack was the official sales trainer and trained over 1300 salespeople. Jack has traveled the country as a motivational speaker for Auto Show Kick-Off Meetings and dealer groups. He has appeared on ASTN’s “The Sales Meeting,”

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